To our Customers:
Thank you for your business. As your independent Broker, we purchase insurance products and services on your behalf that are reliable, affordable and understandable.
Our role is to provide you with the best insurance value that combines coverage, service and price. We also provide personalized, quality service that includes professional insurance advice, ongoing maintenance and claims support. When any issue arises regarding your insurance coverage, we are your advocates, using our professional experience to best represent your individual interest.
Broker compensation is part of your insurance premium. For your benefit, we have listed below Insurers that we represent and have included the range of compensation each provides as a percentage of your overall premium.
AIG 7.5% – 20%
Aviva 7.5% – 27.5%
Chubb 5% – 25%
Economical/Perth 7.5% – 20%
Guarantee Company 12.5% – 20%
Intact 7.5% – 20%
Jevco 5% – 12.5%
Portage Mutual 10% – 20%
SUM Insurance 7.5% – 20%
Cardoc Townsend Mutual 12.5% – 20%
Unica 7.5% – 22%
This commission percentage is paid annually for both new business and renewals.
Should there be an increase in the commission schedule we receive from your insurer, or any other material change that affects your compensation agreements, we will endeavor to notify you.
For us to maintain strong relationships with quality insurers, we work with each to provide the type of business they desire. The Insurers noted above recognize our efforts through a Contingent (Profit) Commission contract. Payment of this Contingent (Profit) Commission may depend on a combination of growth, profitability (loss ratio), volume, retention and increased services that we provide in behalf of the Insurer. Contingent (Profit) Commission is not always guaranteed. For detailed information on Contingent Commission, please go to the individual company’s website.
Your Insurer will be providing you with a Consumer Code of Rights and Responsibilities, which will be forwarded to you with your new business policy. If you have any questions regarding this or any other aspect of your insurance, please contact us,
Sincerely yours,
Annex Insurance Group Inc.
Joseph DelGuzzo, CAIB
Broker/Managing Director