As a certified professional, you spend years cultivating your reputation to deliver expert service within your area of expertise. You only achieve this through years of extensive education and training. For this, you will want to preserve your practice and invest in its future.


Errors And Omissions: Protect Your Practice

Professional liability, or errors and omissions, is specialized insurance coverage that protections professionals like you from the fallout of a claim. When other parties such as customers or partners are injured or suffer losses as a result of your professional practice or operations, they may claim on your part.

Who Needs Professional Liability Insurance?

When considering the protection that errors and omissions provide, the first question anyone asks is, who is a professional? Professional liability insurance is designed for anyone who provides services or consults with clients.

While doctors, lawyers, insurance brokers, and accountants are some of the people that come to mind when we think of professional services, errors and omissions aren’t limited to them. Other professionals include financial planners, consultants, website developers, journalists, IT professionals, and virtually anyone who owns a business or professional practice.

For this, our Annex brokers work to equip your practice with necessary liability protection, ensuring that your good work continues. Wondering if you may have an E&O exposure in your operation? Trust our brokers to present you with value-adding errors and omissions policy options from major Canadian providers, and tailor your coverage to your practice.

Annex is here to protect all that’s important to you and your business. 

Have some questions about insurance?

Request a quote now and let our knowledgeable team help give you peace of mind by protecting the things that matter to you the most.

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