When it comes to auto insurance to repair damage to your own vehicle or a rental car, there are many different policies to choose from. Annex Insurance can help find the right one for you.
Most people’s first introduction is through auto insurance and that need often spans the majority of their adult life. That’s why we work with you to find the coverage that’s right for your protection as well as your budget.
But what happens if you are in an accident? Our personal auto packages provide financial security and peace of mind whether you’re rear-ended on the commute to work or hit a deer on the highway. We will build the coverage plan that works for you to hit the road with confidence.
Who Needs Auto Insurance?
Before you get behind the wheel of any motor vehicle, you need insurance. It’s the law. No matter how confident you feel behind the wheel, our government has laws in place that require insurance to cover damage you may cause to other people’s vehicles and property, as well as to help assist you with medical care should you be injured in an accident.
When it comes to insurance to repair damage to your own vehicle, to cover a rental car or guarantee an accident-free discount, there are many different choices available, depending on the age of your vehicle, your personal situation, and your comfort level with footing the bill should you cause an accident.
For most of Ontario, car insurance is a necessary expense, so you want to make sure you are making informed choices that fit your budget.